Two big beans and a little bean came to look and chatters to the Dunc and the two big beans said that I should be a stoned curler and be pushed on the hard wet with a big wooden. Good little bean said no so I was saved, I think his name is Sawney Bean, big squackerlings to you my fave blue bean, I hope you're not hungry.
Friday, 1 February 2008
a bit like a cold goosey.
Ha, my beakers is never wrong, whites everywhere and hard wets which as you know is very seriously. It means I can't get to the curly underweed, nnnooooes. If I go longer than two brights and a dark I starts to shake and shivers, a bit like a cold goosey.

Two big beans and a little bean came to look and chatters to the Dunc and the two big beans said that I should be a stoned curler and be pushed on the hard wet with a big wooden. Good little bean said no so I was saved, I think his name is Sawney Bean, big squackerlings to you my fave blue bean, I hope you're not hungry.
Two big beans and a little bean came to look and chatters to the Dunc and the two big beans said that I should be a stoned curler and be pushed on the hard wet with a big wooden. Good little bean said no so I was saved, I think his name is Sawney Bean, big squackerlings to you my fave blue bean, I hope you're not hungry.