Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Bob and countdown

OK Day two, and we're off for a bit of a splash again, you have no idea how fantastic it is to have a bob on newly oiled feathers, neither do I, this feather oiling is going to take a while, I still have to paddle like a manky mallard just to keep looking cool. Hey, look at the pics., I'm doing a great job.

Could this place be Mandalay? I only ask because last night I dreamt I went there again, sweet.

Plenty of other beaked water birds flitting in and out of the big green plants, me, being a house duck just can't relate to these wild and rather uneducated creatures. I tried to talk about how much I enjoy deal or no deal and the excitement of a good episode of countdown and these beaky brethren just squalk, spit, poo and flap off. I mean what the hell am I going to do here.

I think my only hope is the peep with the pointy fish stick, lets hope we get more of them.