Look, I'm a house duck, I wasn't prepared for deep water, for one thing the oil that oozes out of me beak now has a purpose. I thought it was a long running cold but as I was slowly sinking in fifteen feet of water I realised I had to tar me feathers, so to speak, man life is strange.
Sheesh, the big feet make sense now, they kept me up and once I'd got the hang of the paddling thing I was off, showing off to this bloke Terry who was eating fish with a big stick.
Two blokes were building a new duck house, could they mean me, I hope not, it's freaking cold at night.

Please believe me when I say I honestly can't remember how I got stuck in the water in the ditch by the road in the dark. Being hoiked out with a fish landing net wasn't pretty, the porch suddenly seemed a cosy place to be.
Going to investigate the neighbours in the morning.