The beans are going crazy, something is happening, I don't know what but I caught a glimpse of a tree in the bean nest with lots of shiny, glittery things that obviously means a lot to beans but

nothing to us canards, we like weed, lots of weed.
This is actually a special day for us too. We celebrate this day for the birth of Englebert Humperduck, back in 1893, in bean years, and the famous stories he told on ponds all over the world. I was telling this tale to these fish pokers the other day and I'll tell it to you tomorrow.

Anyway today seems to be a special day for birds everywhere, the fish pokers on my water this morning were saying how much they were looking forward to a lovely big bird when they got back home, what nice beans you are.
Hippy Crumble to all and to all a good flight.
Big squacks from Duncs the Crumble duck.