Tuesday, 18 December 2007

That twirping robin

So I'm getting a bit cocky, not only am I the biggest duck on this here water, I'm also the best looking. I mean those mallard blokes spend half the year going commando, looking just like the girlies, I mean, what's that all about, transvestite canards, phuleese.
Get a grip fellas, no wonder all the girlie ducks are going quackity
 quack quack when el Dunco glides past munchin' on some weed.This is now that I've actually mastered gliding and stopped
 spinning in circles and well er, sinking.  I've only got eyes for one, me and Ennjay, boy we're gonna make some sweet music. I hope she likes curry noodles and countdown.
I need to find a friendly robin or sparrow to teach me how to twirp, cos as you all know, if you can't twirp a lady properly, you
 shouldn't be in the game.

(tech bit here, I know all the posts say Saturday, there is a reason for this but I've no idea what it is, I hope this helps)